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Free Course for You

How to Get Creative

Do you struggle with a busy schedule, a lack of time, difficulty with concentration and focus or even lack of confidence when it comes to what you REALLY want to do? If so, I have a gift for you that I think you are going to really find useful. Having worked with thousands of adults over the past 14 years, I have discovered that what most people struggle with is lack of TIME, a lack of FOCUS and a lack of CONFIDENCE to even FEEL inspired and get a NEW project started.

DIscover how to kick-start your Creativity, right now. But more importantly, how to CULTIVATE your Creativity, so that you can:

1- Do what you want, WHEN you want to
2- Maximise your TIME
3- FEEL uplifted and energised, more often
4- Get in your own, personal, ZONE of inspiration, productivity and Creativity.

Creativity is not just what you make, but how you think and feel. Sometimes life can get stressful and overwhelming and we forget about doing the things really WANT to do. You will find that if you spend a little time everyday on doing what you LOVE, you WILL be eager to start every single day with a sense of eagerness and excitement. How to get Creative Course will help you to do this!

In this Course you will:

– Set your own unique Art or Project Goals
– Learn how to get in the Creative Zone, more often
– Create your own Sacred Space
– Make Support Habits to facilitate long lasting change
– Create a Schedule for your Art Making and Projects
– Track your Progress over 30 days

You are provided with these tools:

  • Course Workbook and Video

    In this Comprehensive Workbook and accompanying Video, you will find all the tools you need to get started with your Art and Craft Projects and most importantly, how to nurture them over the next 30 days.

  • Guided Visualisations

    Guided Visualisations are invaluable tools to reassess, decide and ground what you want in your life. You can integrate these Visualisations into your daily practice to feel uplifted and to anchor courage into your body. After using these 20 minutes of original Visualisations, you will feel fresh, radiant and ready to Get Creative!

  • 1 Hour of Relaxing Music

    1 Hour of original Music to soothe, calm and relax you. Play this Meditative Music while in your Sacred Space to help you focus while you write in your Workbook. You can also play this Music when you get into your Creative Zone and start making your Art and Creative Projects, too!

This Course is for you if:

You are an absolute Beginner

You need step by step guidance in real time, to help get you started with your Creativity with support, encouragement and practical tools.

You’re Returning to your Art

You haven’t been creative for a long time. You need a SOLID foundation and a constructive PLAN on how to start today, with ease.

Somethings holding you back

A busy schedule, a lack of time, troubles with focus and concentration or a lack of confidence hold you back from making your Art or getting your Projects started.

Make your Creative Practice a satisfying and fulfilling experience

Make your Creative Practice a satisfying and fulfilling experience

This Course will set the foundation for you to develop and grow as a Creative person and provide a valuable method to get you in your Creative Zone – that you can always rely on!

This Course is Completely Free

Making it as easy as possible for you to get started with your Projects! I can’t wait to see you there.